Bodyweight Execise You Can do Anywhere

Vaibhav M
1 min readMar 25, 2021


In today’s life style and our busy schedules it is a little bit to provide enough time towards Exercise. But just because we don’t have time doesn’t mean that we should not do our workouts. Body Weight Exercises is something we should all consider doing on a regular basis. Exercise doesn’t only make you fit and healthy it also refreshes your mind and makes you feel happy. Working out builds strength makes you confident.

There are countless benefits of exercising, the only problem is we don’t get enough time for it. There are various simple exercises that can be performed in a small space and without any equipment. Even though these exercises are performed without any equipment they are very beneficial for our body and can really get your heart going. Body weight exercises are not only effective but they are also less prone to injuries. Here are Top 5 Body Weight Exercises You Can do Anywhere. Click Here

